The One with The Thread Holder

My sewing space is limited. So I have to carefully plan every bit of space I have. Because the container I used to store my thread spools was getting kind of full, I was looking for another way to store them. A way to store them off my sewing table, since that space is limited itself.

I came along various thread spool holders online , found some great ideas but neither of them was exactly as I envisioned it in my head.

I wanted a thread spool holder that was practical AND beautiful at the same time. I had the idea of building it myself but I’ve always been great at designing stuff not great at the actual building stuff. My Dad and I were kind of a team when it comes to that. I design and he builds. Most of the time the building involves me holding stuff so he can attach it 🙂

So I called him and asked him if he wanted to help me. He immediately said ‘yes’ and we went to work yesterday. Because I’m so happy with the way it turned out, I’m sharing it with you, so you can build it yourself if you want.

(All measurements are for Gutermann thread and a holder carrying 99 spools)

Here goes:

construction 1

Step 1: Assemble your stuff. You will need.

  • a piece of wood that measures 50 x 60 cm (20 x 24 inches) and is 12 mm (1/2 inch) thick
  • a decorative trim to put around the edges. It should be at least 220 cm (88 inches) long
  • wood glue
  • spray paint
  • 99 wooden pegs. 8 cm long (3.2 inches) and 6mm in diameter (0.2 inches)
  • a pencil
  • a ruler
  • a drill
  • some very small nails

Step 2:

To space the pegs evenly you have to draw a grid. There should be 4,5 cm (1.7 inches) between each line. This is the slightly larger than the largest Gutermann spool. A good tip is to start in the middle so your last hole to the side is spaced evenly throughout.

You should have 9 x 11 rows (or 11 x 9)

Step 3:

Check your grid and correct any mistakes you may have made.

Step 4:

To make it easier to see where you have to drill a hole, draw a small circle around each intersection of lines>

Step 5:

Make sure your wood is placed on a firm underground.

Step 6 – 7: 

Drill your holes, first with a drill slightly smaller than the actual pegs. This will make correcting mistakes easier and it will make drilling the correct sized hole a lot smoother.

Step 8 – 9:

Check your beautiful holes 🙂

construction 2

Step 10:

Once you’ve checked everything is spaced evenly, you can drill through your holes again using a 6mm (0,2 inches) drill. Insert a wooden peg once in a while to check if the holes are big enough.

Step 11:

Take your decorative trim and saw it into 4 pieces using a 45′ angle. You should have two 50cm pieces and two 60cm pieces (2 x 20 inches and 2 x 24 inches. Nail those trims on top of your piece of wood to form a frame.

Step 12: 

You can put your drill and nails away because the major part is done. Admire your framed holes 🙂

Step 13 – 14:

Use a damp cloth to remove all sawdust and leave it to dry for a few minutes. Use a can of spray paint to paint the entire piece in your desired color. Keep adding coats until you are satisfied (I gave mine 5 coats). Be sure to read the instructions on your can carefully. Do this in a well ventilated area or (preferably) outdoors and put some plastic underneath to protect your table.

Step 15 – 16:

Once it’s dry (mine was touch dry after 20 minutes) put a small drop of glue inside each hole and put a wooden peg on top. You can use a hammer to set it firmly.

Step 17:

Attach two hooks so you can hang your frame.

Step 18:

Fill it with your thread spools and admire your work.


Isn’t it pretty? It’s exactly as I wanted it to be and I don’t think I’ve ever made anything nicer in my life!

The good thing is (added bonus) that the pegs are long enough to put my bobbins in front of my spools so the thread matches!

Yay, for unforseen bonusses! The whole thing probably wasn’t cheaper than buying a thread holder but this one is PERFECT!

Would you like to make something like this yourself. Would you like someone else to make it for you?

11 thoughts on “The One with The Thread Holder

  1. Very pretty! I’ve never understood how keeping thread in a bin or drawer is efficient. I need to be able to see what I have and it is so much faster when you have a rack on the wall!

    I plan to expand my thread racks soon because I have this slightly obsessive need to keep them in color order and am running out of spaces in most columns. Since my new machines use the flat bobbins I’ve been able to put my bobbins under the spools now – still not sure if I like them better on the rack or in the drawer (as I’ve had them for years).


  2. That is just wonderful! It could almost be a work of art…in fact, when I move to bigger house (and Mr Sabs of course!) and have a proper sewing room, I think I’ll pinch your idea and make (read: ask my hubby to help me make) something very similar to hang on the wall. Two in one – art and practical! Thanks for sharing.


    1. I made this thinking about how I would want my sewing room to look like when we move to a bigger place.

      And my Dads already making me an extra one especially for my overlock thread 🙂 He’s such a sweetie!


    1. I had a very skilled teacher for the DIY stuff 🙂 My Dad taught me everything. I don’t need a man to put together my furniture, repair stuff and fix (basic) electric stuff and computers 🙂 I do however need one to take out my trash and load the dishwasher 🙂


  3. I loved reading this post because I have the same kind of relationship with my dad. A few years ago, I designed this mini-wardrobe to put my perfumes in and my dad totally whipped it up for me!
    Also having a small sewing room, I can totally understand finding creative ways to store your stuff. One of these days I’m going to make one of these tables, but with a light table on top to make tracing patterns easier:


    1. My father build me a small light table once, when I was still studying to become an architect (we couldn’t use a computer to draw our blue prints the first year) but I never taught of building a giant one to trace patterns. You are a genius!! It will definitely be on my ‘to make’ list once we move into a bigger house!


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